The Media Controller
The Media Controller item can be added to any event screen that contains a video item or a video sequence item.
The Media Controller can then be used to control playing of the video as shown in this demonstration:
The Media Controller can then be used to control playing of the video as shown in this demonstration:
It is possible to add multiple videos onto the same event screen. In this situation you can also add multiple Media Controller items onto the event screen to allow you to control the playback of each video independently.
Associating a specific Media Controller item with a specific Video item
If you have multiple video items on the event screen, you may need to specifically associate a Media controller item with a specific video item to guarantee that the controller controls the video. To achieve this:
- Add a Name to the required video item in the Video properties.
Here we are naming the video item: VideoOne:
- In the Media Controller properties, set the Media name to that of the required video item.
Here we are setting the Media name to VideoOne:
Here we are setting the Media name to VideoOne: