Record a photo session
You have set up your event to allow each user (or user group) to take a few photos, with preparation event screens (e.g. 'Get ready' and 'Countdown) in between each photo. So your users will prepare and pose for each photo, perhaps choosing various physical props or altering the way they are arranged in the group.
Wouldn't it be good to be able to record a video of the photo session, so that as well capturing photos, RightBooth would also record a video of the complete photo capture process, covering the period of time starting from when the user is preparing for the first photo and ending after the final photo has been taken.
Well, starting from RightBooth version 7.12.9 you can now record the photo session and this article shows you how easy it is to do.
Please note that 'Recording the session' can only be done using a webcam.
How to
Wouldn't it be good to be able to record a video of the photo session, so that as well capturing photos, RightBooth would also record a video of the complete photo capture process, covering the period of time starting from when the user is preparing for the first photo and ending after the final photo has been taken.
Well, starting from RightBooth version 7.12.9 you can now record the photo session and this article shows you how easy it is to do.
Please note that 'Recording the session' can only be done using a webcam.
How to
- Create a photo capture event.
- In Event design --> Event structure, choose the number of photos you would like each user to take
- Tick the option: 'Record the session'...
Using a Webcam for Taking Photos and Recording Video
If you are using a webcam for both photo capture and video recording then there is nothing else you need to do. The webcam will take the photos and will also record the session at the same time.
Using a DSLR (or GoPro) for Taking Photos and a Webcam for Recording Video
If you want to use a DSLR camera (or a GoPro) to take the photos, then you will also need to attach and use a webcam at the same time for 'Recording the Session'.
To facilitate this, go to RightBooth Settings --> Cameras - Main camera, and tick 'Webcam' for recording videos, and tick 'DSLR' (or 'GoPro') for taking photos:
If you are using a webcam for both photo capture and video recording then there is nothing else you need to do. The webcam will take the photos and will also record the session at the same time.
Using a DSLR (or GoPro) for Taking Photos and a Webcam for Recording Video
If you want to use a DSLR camera (or a GoPro) to take the photos, then you will also need to attach and use a webcam at the same time for 'Recording the Session'.
To facilitate this, go to RightBooth Settings --> Cameras - Main camera, and tick 'Webcam' for recording videos, and tick 'DSLR' (or 'GoPro') for taking photos:
Job done !
Now, a video recording will be made of each users photo capture session.
Additionally, you can:
- apply video enhancements to the video recording
- show the video to the user by adding a video item on the 'Photo options' screen or the Thankyou screen, or any User defined event screen that is set to appear after all the photos have been taken
- send the video to the user by email, whatsapp, or phone
- copy the video to a sharing station event
- upload the video to a cloud storage account, or to a website by FTP.
Example - Recording a single photo capture session
The photo:
The video recording: