Camera, Video and Photo Settings
- Select a webcam and microphone for use in your events
- Choose video recording file format: WMV, AVI. And convert to: MP4, MOV
- Choose a photo capture file format: PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP
- Video and photo frame size, frame crop, frame rate, exposure, brightness and contrast, mirroring and rotation
- Choose an audio input format and levels for video recording
- Choose your camera make and model
- Choose to record videos using your DSLR camera
- Choose to capture photos using your DSLR camera
- Video and photo capture sizes and cropping
- ISO and white balance settings
- Choose to record videos using your GoPro camera
- Choose to capture photos using your GoPro camera
- Video and photo capture sizes and cropping
Video Recording Tester
The Video Recording Tester lets you test the performance of your equipment when recording videos.
Choose your video settings, then use the Tester to see how your computer behaves while recording, and see whether the recorded video has an acceptable quality.
Choose your video settings, then use the Tester to see how your computer behaves while recording, and see whether the recorded video has an acceptable quality.
Greenscreen Settings
This allows you to set-up and test the green screen image removal feature. See Green Screen
User Input Settings
Choose a user input method for controlling your events. You can select from:
- Single keyboard key, such as the SPACEBAR or PAUSE key
- Multiple keyboard keys, such as the function keys F1 - F12
- Mouse
- Touchscreen
- Single USB button
- Multiple USB buttons
- Voice controlled input.
Printer Settings
- Printer selection
- Photo print quality
- Multiple printer use
- Maximum print count
Overlays and Props Settings
- Set the alignment of the camera video feed within each overlay image in the RightBooth Image Overlay Library
- Set the alignment of the image props to detected faces within the camera video feed
- Video and photo background replacement
- Snap camera
Text and Language Settings
Change the default event text wording and prompts that will be used in all your event files.
Prompts can be totally re-written and also translated into a different language if required.
Prompts can be totally re-written and also translated into a different language if required.
Folders and Files Settings
- The location for storing event files
- The file naming convention
- Copy files to other folders, cloud storage and upload to remote storage via SFTP
Social Media Settings
- Email server host, account and password
- Email notifications
- Photo file sizes for email attachments and cloud storage
- FTP settings: Host, User name, password, Remote destination folder, SFTP protocol
- Phone SMS
- Local web server
Security Settings
- Block common Windows key combinations: Alt Tab, Ctrl-Esc, Alt-Esc and Win key
- Hide the Windows Task Manager
- Force RightBooth events to stay on top of all other apps
- Define entry and exit passwords to the app and to the playing event
- Create sets of access codes (printed or QR codes) that can be distributed to users to allow them to access your event features
Starting and Stopping RightBooth
- Automatically play an event when RightBooth starts
- Automatically stop an event. Select from:
- never
- after a set number of users have taken part. e.g. stop the event after 100 users
- after an elapsed time. e.g. stop the event after 2 hours
- at a specific time. e.g. stop the event at midnight
- Choose what happens when the event stops:
- show a 'Finished' screen
- restart RigthBooth
- restart the computer
- shut down the computer
- Turn on the RightBooth Watchdog feature for crash recovery
- Fine tune the performance of RightBooth
- Start the event at a specific time
Message Log
Error messages. Allow users to restart the event if errors occur
- Warning messages
- Information messages
Miscellaneous Settings
- Resize and/or convert video recordings to MP4 or MOV format
- Change the animated gif settings
- Reset all application settings
- Apply general video and photo settings: brightness, contrast etc.
- Ken Burns settings