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We have now completed full internal tests of RightBooth running on Microsoft's recently released versions of Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro operating systems. (64 bit).
Tests were performed using a variety of laptops, desktop PCs and webcams, and we are happy to report that the latest version of RightBooth works without problems on Windows 10. If you experience any problems running RightBooth on Windows 10, we'd certainly like to know about it, so please Contact Us Added photo printer queue functionality via the new setting: Perform printing in background. This is located in RightBooth Settings --> Photo and Print.
When background printing is turned on, any printing or print to file action that occurs during the event will be performed as a background task, allowing RightBooth to continue without any delays between users. Updated January 2023 This article explains how to create your own buttons that you can add to the RightBooth Media Library. These buttons can then be chosen to appear on the button items on any of your RightBooth event screens. New Button Each button in the RightBooth Media Library comprises two images, an unselected image and a selected image. Here is an example of a button that is installed in the Media Library: Notice how the selected image makes the button look pressed.
You can design your button images however you like, the pressed image can be the same as the unpressed image, or you could make it look highlighted, or pressed, as in the above example. Once you have designed your two images (using your favourite image editing app) , you then need to place them the following RightBooth Media Library folders:
The file format for the button images must be PNG. If you want your button to look like it has been 'pressed down' you must design the 'selected' image so that it moves in the Y down direction only. Now you need to give your button images a filename that RightBooth can use to help position any icon that might be placed on it during the event... New Button filename Your button filename has to use the following naming convention if you want the button icons to appear on them correctly in RightBooth... BUTTON_NAME # ICON_CENTRE_Y_UNPRESSED # ICON_WIDTH # ICON_CENTRE_Y_EXTRA_PRESSED # .png where...
Taking our example button shown above, the filename for this button is: B4#40#50#5#.png This means...
If you don't want the icon to change position when the button is pressed, set the last parameter to 0, for example see button: B1#50#60#0#.png Remember that both your button images must have the same filename, which is possible because they are stored in different folders. New Button Icons If you want to design and use your own set of button icons within RightBooth, you need to create a new set of PNG files and place them in a new sub folder within the following folder in the RightBooth Media Library: C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\RightBooth7 Library\Images\Buttons\Icons For example, create a folder: C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\RightBooth7 Library\Images\Buttons\Icons\Fancy The Fancy folder must then contain a set of image icons that have the same names as the other icons found in the other Icon sub folders, e.g. back.png, bin.png, etc. All the icon images must be PNG files. The image width and height MUST be square, e.g. 150x150 pixels. Added two new event settings:
Ask for Name on Message screen – When this option is ticked, users will be asked to enter their name (to accompany their message), during a Text Message session. However, if you have already included their Name on the User Details screen, you can un-tick this option to prevent the user from having to enter their name twice during the session. Ticked by default. Show message – Tick this option to have each user’s text message displayed to them for a period of time (8 secs), before the event progresses. Ticked by default. Unticking this option will take the user directly to the Thank You screen after entering their message. Removed the 60 second timeout on the Message input screen.
Added a Print to file option on the Event Designer.
This feature allows user's photo print layouts to be saved as files independently of the actual photo printing process. It supersedes the (now removed) Capture prints to file option which was previously available on the Print Layout Designer Toolbox. With this feature, during an event you now have the option of:
AuthorNigel Pearce Archives
December 2024